Thursday, December 1, 2011

Fundraising Questions

I am baffled.  There are all kinds of folks asking for money - the guy / girl with the cardboard sign, the bell ringing Salvation Army person, kids with buckets at stoplights, plea's from Facebook, giveaways for donations, kids selling stuff for schools, Jerry's kids ............what is it that compels a person to give and to whom?

Sometimes I buy the stuff from the kids selling from school(can't resist a cute kid begging)
I've dropped change in the Salvation Buckets because they do good things and in the firefighters buckets for Jerry's kids
I will not give money to the cardboard sign carriers (I will hand them food and/or water) in my area - honestly - most appear to be drugged out .......or so high they can't stand straight so the cities actually have signs asking motorist not to give money to the pan-handlers - one time last year my husband handed a person $5 and we pulled into gas station and GUESS WHAT .........the pan-handler came bought beer at the gas station!  his sign said please help me feed my kids!

Usually not to the kids with buckets (the middle of the road is not safe - and I don't want to encourage the behavior) and yes I know they are raising money for good programs - but really a 10/12 year old playing in traffic carrying a bucket is just not a good thing - put the parents out there with a sign - Raising money for my kids softball team !

So what I'm wondering is what makes YOU give - is it the cause, the kid, the story - and why I'm wondering is because a couple friends are trying to raise money for adoptions and both have hit a stone wall even with offering prizes good prizes like IPAD2 get entries just for donating $10 which you might've done anyways.   And I have tried doing stuff to help them also and fell FLAT on my face am I saying something wrong can answer anonymously if you wish  - I just need to understand so that my next effort at least gets 2 donations LOL


  1. You are sweet to try and help. :) What makes ME give...the cause and the kid. I don't buy from every school/Scout/team fundraiser (there are SO MANY) but I do when I can, or when it's an exceptionally good friend and I feel like I "have" to. Beyond that, it's all about the cause - and the availability of funds to donate. Unfortunately, being a one-income family doesn't leave me with as much to donate to anything as I'd like. And there are so many great causes that it's usually spread thin. I have a feeling that that's what holds most people up - lack of money, even when they'd LOVE to give a lot. :(

  2. I totally agree with Kristin...the cause, the kid, feeling I have had to either to reciprocate someone doing the same for my kids, or just such a good friend it had to happen. I also agree about the funds or lack thereof...and with it being near Christmas, I guess lots of people have earmarked any extra money they may have to that, I would LOVE to be able to help the particular people you are talking about because they amaze me with what they are doing, but for me, I have to be happy with praising God that I can at least cover my basic bills right now, and pray that eventually I can give back to others the way that I have been helped. Gma, you are doing great helping them!

  3. Thank you ladies - it is a relief that it's not me - I was getting a complex! I totally understand having little or no money -
