Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Magnet use

This Yesterday morning I turned on the TV to sit with the kids for a few minutes and it came on to the channel that Joyce Meyers was speaking.  I've listened to her in the past, but don't often have time or the quiet to listen much lately.
But here's the point: not even 2 minutes after turning on the television she says something that really caught my attention - Satan uses a magnet to keep pulling you to your past - to keep you focused so much on past things in your life that are bad that you can't move forward - and as soon as you try - he uses a stronger magnet! He causes chaos in your life and if you just recognize that you can talk your way thru a situation in your mind and pray - pray - pray
I know some people that are so stuck in the past things that they don't see the joy ahead of them - they can't just enjoy the moment - surrounded by people that love them.
The last couple of years my friend Susie has helped me open my eyes and ears to hear and see God and how he is working in my life.  I  have often questioned why certain things happened and have said WHAT ABOUT ME! Where is my blessing - She has guided me into opening my eyes to see blessed I am.
I pray to win the lottery -   God's answer - friends and family worth millions of dollars
I pray for a dream house - God's answer - when my husband retired - I kept hearing a little voice in my head   to pay off the house instead of investing the money - pay the 10% penalty for using IRA money before we were 59 1/2 and pay off house - I did some research and found that when "purchasing" your 1st home the 10% penalty is waived for $10,000.  This was our 1st home - WE PAID IT OFF !  I am thankful everyday for that because when I retired I rolled mine into another IRA - and within a year BOOM the market crashed and we lost almost 1/3 of our investment - GONE ...........but my house is paid off and no one can take that from us.
In my lifetime I have set goals and reached them - many never do, I get to spend every weekday caring for my 3 youngest grand-kids- there are some grandparents that never get to see their grandchildren.
So yesterday as my mind created this blog post - I have to tell you - the grand-kids were calm and playing nicely, and as soon as I started typing this post ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE ! They started fighting, I got a phone call about the accident that my son was in months ago, my husband called angry about the insurance company, I got the worst headache, my mom called upset about her eyes (again-) so I got up and just saved this post- until things calmed down .......and so today I've tried to sit down and post 3 different times - and as soon as I do ............the phone rings  - yep husband still angry about the insurance ..........the calm kids started fighting ..............So I am saying out-loud that Satan doesn't want me to write this - BUT GOD WANTS ME TO !  Today is the day .........I'm posting in the midst of chaos - and I've forgotten several things but I am still making my point ---- Satan doesn't want you to be happy - he creates chaos to keep you from God .......because when things go wrong do you say Satan screwing with me ..........Nope say why doesn't God want me to be happy
So my parting words..........if you can open your thought process step back from a situation ... and see that if chaos is around ............It Ain't God .............Stop looking backwards ........break that magnet hold on yourself to move forward ............


  1. Man, just another reminder of why I love you! I sooooo needed to read this today, thank you my sweet friend.

  2. Wow, reading this post again, 5 years later, and getting something out of it that I needed yet again.
