I love food - I love trying food at parties! ------- (and getting the recipes)
At my daughters housewarming Sunday - our friends Pati and Joe put together a yummy caprice (?spelled right?)
So thin slices of tomatoes, sliver of prosciutto, sliver of mozzarella (in milk juice LOL) chopped up basil - sprinkled with balsamic vinegar and olive oil - and you put it on small slices of round Italian bread. Now you are probably saying - oh yes ........I've seen that - but I'm telling you it was delicious - and you know that cause 3 platters were gone before the cheese lost it's chill.
And my dil makes this really weird salad (but yummy) with ramen noodles, sesame seeds - I think scallions - and a few other things - I am always excited to see that come to a party - I was really hoping my other dil would bring her yummy pasta salad - but Rebecca didn't ask her (dam)
The housewarming was awesome - lots of Rebecca's friends came to see her 1st home. She has always wanted a home with a pool - but I was totally bummed that it was too cold to even put a pinky into the pool - although Shelby donned her bathing suit and jumped right in - THIS IS FLORIDA - not supposed to be cold! - I'm blaming it on days of cloudy, overcast skies.
We have tote city beside her house and hopefully our friend that is moving soon can take some off our hands - until we have a bigger place to store them.
Ahhhhh - totes - are so much better than cardboard boxes - several years ago when my son moved from his shop - I bought the 1st 10 totes - you know the 18 gallon totes for like $5 (they were 3.50) - and we thought then - hmmm these are better than cardboard because the cans don't fall thru the bottom - they have handles to carry them - they seal so roaches don't get in them, they stack easy - and that began our building of tote city - he moved - I bought 10 more- then 10 more - a couple huge ones for pillows and blankets and hangers - They were awesome in storage - which wound up being over a year - instead of 6 weeks. We labeled them with masking tape on the top edge of the lids - so that when they are stacked you can stand and see in a stack what is in each box - So here is my advise on that: try to buy the same size/brand - along the way we have bought them for various things so there were some mis-matched ones - they don't stack as easy - so right not the same size ones are stacked - smaller ones inside - one lid on top and all other lids in one of the huge ones. -----just waiting for the next move.
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